Hello precious!

When was the last time you said that to yourself?
Not lately? Tsk! You must.
Because you’re truly a unique kind.
In your own way, you’re charmingly different from everyone else.
You are a work in progress,
and a beautiful mess.
You can be all the things you want to.
You can do things no one can.
You are growing every moment.
You are becoming better every moment!
You get up after falling again and again.
When there’s no one to support, you believe in yourself and keep going.
When times are tough, you don’t give up.
Well darling, that makes you nothing less than precious!

Choose yourself

Life is really hard sometimes. 
There’s no escaping that reality. 
It’s impossible to live well without encountering some level of struggle, and there are some seasons in our lives that are especially heartbreaking.

The truth is, everyone experiences unhappy circumstances on occasion, but there is a big difference between experiencing bouts of unhappiness and living a habitually unhappy life. That’s what chronically unhappy people do. 

Many people are afraid to admit it, but a vast majority of their unhappiness stems from their own perpetual self-neglect.

Even if you are generally a happy person, self-neglect is something that can easily creep up on you.

The key is to give yourself the extra attention you need and deserve.

Resisting and ignoring your own feelings and emotions does not serve you.  It leads to stress, illness, confusion, broken relationships, fits of anger and short periods of intense feelings- deep, dark depression.  Anyone who has experienced any of the above, knows that these states of mind are horrifically unhealthy…and when you’re in the habit of self-neglect, it’s near impossible to escape.

You have to admit, to a certain extent, you have spent too much of your life trying to shrink yourself. 
Trying to become smaller.  Quieter.  Less sensitive.  Less opinionated.  Less needy.  Less YOU.  Because you felt broken, and you didn’t want to be too much or push people away.  You wanted to fit in.  You wanted people to like you.  You wanted to make a good impression.  You wanted to be wanted.  So you could feel healed.

So for years, you sacrificed yourself for the sake of making other people happy.  And for years, you suffered.

But you’re tired of suffering, and you’re done shrinking. Right? Good!

It’s not your job to change who you are in order to become someone else’s idea of a worthwhile human being.  You are worthwhile.  Not because other people think you are, but because you are breathing your own air, and therefore you matter. 

Your thoughts matter.  Your feelings matter.  Your voice matters.  And with or without anyone’s approval or permission, you must be who you are and live your truth.  Even if it makes people turn their heads.  Even if it makes them uncomfortable.  Even if they choose to leave.

You may have been broken down by difficult or unpleasant situations, but YOU are not broken.  So don’t let others convince you otherwise.

Heal yourself by refusing to shrink.

Choose to take up a lot of space in your own life. 
Choose to give yourself permission to meet your own needs. 
Choose to honor your feelings and emotions.Choose to make self-care a top priority.

Choose yourself!